How Scent Marketing would help your business in the brand building?

Olfactory marketing, also known as aroma marketing and better known as scent marketing is used by companies across the globe for the reinforcement of the brand image. These help in the improvement of the perception of the product by the public and are important for driving sales. Read on further to know more about scent marketing and how the different brands are getting benefits from it.

Scent marketing also helps in increasing the foot traffic of the customers in one's retail shop. It is found that the customer takes many major purchase decisions while they are in the store. Thus, enhancing the time spent by the customer in the stores is going to increase the sales dramatically.Companies can also connect to brands at an emotional level. This technique is used across various industries like hotel operators, restaurants, airlines and retailers and many more.

How does scent marketing work?

As per the reports by the American Marketing Association, attractive scents would draw the customers for spending more time, up to 44 per cent in the store. Apart from this, certain kinds of scent induce hunger and increase the alertness resulting in a greater number of purchases.

The sense of smell is one of the strongest perceptions of our senses and it is directly related to various parts of our brains, especially the memory section. As per reports of a study conducted by Brown University, several women experienced a high degree of brain activity on smelling perfume linked to their positive memories and experience.

Experts feel that smell is powerful in evoking the right memories and emotions than any other sense, including the sense of sight.

Companies use this power of scent to communicate to the customer that a particular product is truly valuable. The scent marketing technique is also used for influencing customer satisfaction and for increasing the productivity of employees. Senses can also be used for drawing attention to related scents for promoting certain items or products.

There are various kinds of scent marketing techniques which are being used by marketers. These include aroma billboard marketing, signature smells and ambient smells for the purpose of aroma marketing. You may find a lot more about scent marketing and find out how you can create an experience at the different storefronts by visits.


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